In the will of the Lord,
APRIL 25th-27th.
Friday - Apr. 25
Session 1 - 7PM-8PM
Saturday - Apr.26
Session 2 - 10AM-11AM
Session 3 - 11AM - 12PM
Lunch - 12PM - 1:30PM
Session 4 -1:30PM -2:15PM
Session 5 - 2:15PM-3PM
Coffee Break 3PM-3:30PM
Session 6 - 3:30PM-4:15PM
Session 7 - 4:15PM-5PM
Supper - 5PM-6PM
Gym time- 6:30PM-8:30PM
At Lethbridge Christian School, 3 St James Blvd N
Pizza,Sing/Testimony back at Croation Hall 8:30PM-10:30PM
Sunday - Apr. 27
Breaking of Bread- 9:30AM-10:45AM
Session 8 - 11AM-12PM
Lunch - 12PM-1:30PM
Session 9 - 1:30PM-2:15PM
Session 10 - 2:15PM-3PM
Coffee Break
Croation Canadian Centre of Lethbridge
In the will of the Lord, April 25-27
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